Seven wonders

Bye Bulgaria

Our final part of the loop around Bulgaria involves 8 hours of driving. Some hours are over rough winding corrugated roads which have a disproportionate amount of international trucks from Serbia and Romania. We arrive at the off the beaten track tourist sight of Belogradchik Fortress a stone’s throw from the Serbian and Romanian border.

As we approach the road winds steadily higher through a rocky wilderness that would be more at home in, say, Utah. The fortress is unique as the over 3 quarters of the “wall” is composed of massive rock towers and only a small amount has had to be built by human hands. Built in the 14th century the fortress walls are a massive 2 metres thick. This is an amazing structure in a unique landscape.

The long drive has us racing against the clock with our return to Sofia. We need to return our rental car, find our new apartment and make our way to our dinner booking at 7:30 pm. It is a rushed 20 minute brisk walk to get us there but we are on time to the “Secret Chef’s Table” restaurant. A 22 course degustation with matched wine. The chef is centre stage here and explains the exquisite dishes and wines in detail to the shared table of a dozen diners. It is a decadent finale to our time in Bulgaria. We have loved our time here, the sights, accommodation and food and wine have far exceeded expectations. This is a country I would be happy to return to.

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