

This island just keeps amazing me! I awaken earlier and in the predawn light the waves crash onto the white sand beach mere metres from my tent. For the first time this trip we quit the coast road for a direct road through the heart of the mountainous interior. The road rises steeply through a serious of narrow hairpin bends. The further inland we go the worse the road gets until we are on a narrow rock strewn rough track.

The mountains close in on us and the contrast with the first couple of days by the sea could not have been more stark.

Our first stop comprises a half hour steep descent into a beautiful gorge with views to the sea and a beach in the distance. The base of the gorge has layers of contrasting limestone terraces and multiple rockpools. On the valley floor we all strip off to underwear and swim in the cool refreshing waters of Wadi Khalisa. A steep walk back up in the hottest heat that we have experienced has us all ready for an icy cold drink albeit of the soft drink variety in this Muslim country.

After lunch we continue south through the heart of the mountains. The track becomes diabolically bad and our jeeps are often reduced to walking pace. Three bone jarring hours of tough 4WD driving finally gets us to the south coast and a better road. We arrive at a patch of classic sand dune desert, go figure, and have the hour before sunset to explore, photograph and enjoy. I marvel at the ecological diversity of this remarkable “undiscovered” gem.

The coup de grace was dinner and at the crazy price of $20 lobster was too good to refuse.

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