Taiwan 2024

Before Xi Xinping

Why Taiwan? To see it before Xi Xinping takes it over. Normally this post would open the blog for this trip. It is at the end for security reasons. When our lovely part time female doctor, Dana, who hails from Hong Kong heard that we were going there she anxiously cautioned against any possible statements or comments against the ruling CCP government. She is, of course, absolutely right. There are now strict laws in place there that could land me in prison for what I am writing now.

The nation of Taiwan evolved from the fleeing Chinese Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai Shek who was defeated by Mao Tse Tung in 1949. This “government in exile” has always been considered as illegitimate by the mainland Chinese who view Taiwan as theirs. It is an ongoing source of international tension and as recently as the week before our arrival the election of the new Taiwanese president staunchly opposed to mainland China provoked a macho display of power from China who conducted war games in the South China Sea for 2 days to demonstrate their displeasure.

Sadly it is only a matter of time before Xi moves on Taiwan. Not that he needed it he will be emboldened by the west’s weakness in supporting Ukraine against Putin’s aggression. I am glad that I have seen the country now and hope for good times ahead for their lovely people.

One last look at the crazy opulence of Macau

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