
A Niue country

“Where are you going this time doc?” My reply to my patients “Niue” invariable evoked furrowed brows and confused looks. It is situated 2400km north east of NZ between Tonga and Cook Islands.

Our Matavai resort
The capitol Alofi is initially underwhelming

This island country has a tiny population of just 2000 residents and relies on NZ for administration. Geologically it is unusual as it is a coral reef that has been thrust out of the sea by volcanic activity. As a result it has a narrow coral shelf and the ocean floor drops away dramatically a short distance from land.

It quickly becomes obvious that this is an island honeycombed by limestone caves and the coastal encounters are all about collapsed caves and rock pools. This is not a destination for beach lovers.

Tauei Puplu fort built in 1846 to protect Nukai Peniama who first brought Christianity to Niue


Matapa chasm
Limu Pools
Magical Avaiki Cave and the rock pools around it
Sunset Makefu

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