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One night in Addis

It is 1 am local time in Dubai and God only knows what time back home. Sixteen hours of flying and even more transit time has me lining up for security like a discombobulated somnambulist. Throw in some wine and a sleeping tablet and I am heading to my first class lounge ready for bed rather than the free food and wine I had hoped for. It’s amazing what a hot shower does and refreshed I am ready to sample the culinary delights and an impressive array of high end Bordeaux wines.

Lake Eyre
Indonesian island

One  more flight gets me into Addis Abbaba early afternoon and after checking in I hit the ground running. I ask the taxi driver to take me to the museum. I want to renew my acquaintance with Lucy as the fossilised remains of prehistoric Australopithecus Africensis is known. Sadly, on arrival it is closed indefinitely for renovation. As a fall back I visit the church of St George and the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Neither disappointed.

Addis from the air
St George Church
Holy Trinity Cathedral, The tomb further above is that of the late Emperor Haile Sellassie

I rate Ethiopia as one of the best countries I have visited with a culture going back to biblical times In my short stopover the changes here from 20 years ago are striking. The centre of town is dazzling with newly built luxury item shops. All around, though the streets are being dug up and buildings destroyed to make way for new construction, not a pretty sight.

A final 2 hour flight brings me to the backwater of Burundi and a quiet night at our hotel on the shores of Lake Tanganyika with its mellifluous name of Bujumbura.

Hotel Club Lac Tanganyika
Lake Tanganyika, Buj in background

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