The morning started with an icy 0 degrees temperature but beautiful bright sunshine. A 1 hour drive has us at Alba Iulia. Brilliant sunshine and single digit temperature has us donning jackets. The Citadel of Alba Carolina is the centrepiece of this town. The cathedral dates from 1009 AD built by King (Saint) Stephen of Hungary atop an ancient Roman camp. The modern day fortress is a massive stellate walled city measuring 7 miles and built in the 16th century AD. Successive generations built churches and buildings which were originally military but have now been repurposed as museums. We have the place to ourselves.

On the way out I spy a food truck selling langos. This classic Hungarian snack food comprises a fluffy fried pastry a bit like a savoury flat doughnut topped with sour cream and a grated salty cheese. This is an obsession for Suzanne and we fortify ourselves with a langos brunch for the day ahead. One of the two of us is in seventh heaven.

The afternoon sees us at the village of Turda at a unique and quirky attraction, Salina Turda. Salt was first mined here in the 13th century. In 1990 the now inactive mine was opened to tourists. The main chamber is 112 metres underground. It is a massive conical cave 90 metres high and 90 metres in diameter. The entrance shaft plunges underground. The walls are white with encrusted salt.

The descent progresses through ever smaller and confined stairs to a lake at the very bottom of the shaft. Bizarrely it is set up with row boats and we enjoy a paddle.

We catch a lift to the next level which is set up as an amusement park with table tennis, billiards, bowls and the piece de resistance is a ferris wheel. A truly surreal experience.