The dragon blood tree is emblematic of Socotra. The few people who have heard of this island would all have seen photos of this unique tree. Shaped like an open umbrella it sports tufts of pandanus like leaves. If the bark is damaged blood red sap flows hence the name. Fully mature trees are 600 – 800 years old, they do not grow anywhere else on this planet. Today turns out to be a celebration of this beautiful botanic specimen.

Our morning starts with a brief detour to another, smaller collapsed limestone cave. The short walk takes us to a single expansive chamber with dry stalactites hanging off the ceiling looking for all the world like a frayed curtain. Two massive columns adorn the entrance with vines and ferns growing off them.

Thereafter we ascend to the Dickson plateau bouncing along another diabolical heavily rutted dirt track. Our first stop is to a conservatory dedicated to propagating these ancient living treasures. Prior to human occupation vast forests of dragon blood trees blanketed the high country. Deforestation was the initial blow to dragon tree numbers but now the major impact is the introduced feral goat population which loves to feast on the young plants. Consequently senescent trees are failing without any saplings to replace them. A stone fence greets us enclosing a few hundred small trees. A few inches tall I am told that they are already 16 years old. Tragically all around are goats’ droppings as the fence is not high enough. Tragically most of the plants have been chewed and are struggling. At this rate extinction beckons.

We reach the middle of the island through another stunning gorge this one lined with dragon blood trees. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the photography is spectacular. Arriving at our lunch spot and campsite for the night we are in the middle of a beautiful forest. We spend the afternoon sipping tea and soaking in the ambience and the view. Before sunset I wander through the forest and along the ridge over the gorge. An orgy of photography ensues.